The Little Drummer Girl (Movie Tie-In...
John Le CarreThe classic le Carre spy novel comes to AMC as a 6 part mini-series starring Alexander Skarsgård, Michael Shannon, and Florence Pugh and directed by the acclaimed Park Chan-WookOn holiday in Mykonos, Charlie wants only sunny days and...
The Looking Glass War: A George Smile...
John Le CarreA NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER It would have been an easy job for the Circus: a can of film couriered from Helsinki to London. In the past the Circus handled all things political, while the Department dealt with matters military. But the...
The Naive and Sentimental Lover
John Le CarreI have visited Bohemia and got away unscathed. Aldo Cassidy is an entrepreneurial genius. At thirty-nine, he dominates the baby pram market and rewards his success with a custom Bentley. But Aldo's bourgeois life is upended by a cha...
The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories from My Li...
John Le Carre"Out of the secret world I once knew, I have tried to make a theatre for the larger worlds we inhabit. First comes the imagining, then the search for reality. Then back to the imagining, and to the desk where I'm sitting now.&quo...
DIVi“The Soviet knight is dying inside his armour.”BRbr/i/divdiv/divdiv“Glasnost” is on everyone’s lips, but the rules of the game haven’t changed for either side. When a beautiful Russian woman foists off a manuscript on ...
The Secret Pilgrim: A BBC Full-Cast R...
John Le CarreThe Berlin Wall is toppled and the Iron Curtain has swept aside. The Secret Pilgrim is Ned, a decent, loyal soldier of the Cold War, who has been in British Intelligence all his adult life. Now, approaching the end of his career, he i...