Knucklehead: Tall Tales and Almost Tr...
Jon ScieszkaHave you ever:• Had you brother try to sell you your own shirt?• Made a list of all the bad words you know – for your teacher who is a nun?• Believed one of those AMAZING! ads in the back of a comic book?• Broken your brothe...
Heroes and Villains, the seventh volume in Jon Scieszka’s Guys Read Library of Great Reading, is chock-full of adventure featuring an array of characters—with and without capes.Featuring ten all-new, original stories that run the ...
The True Story of the Three Little Pi...
Jon Scieszkais presented from the humorous perspective of a beleaguered wolf, whose innocent requests to borrow cups of sugar are rendered cataclysmic by a snoutful of unfortunate sneezes. Reprint. NYT. AB. NYT.