Get Capone: The Secret Plot That Capt...
Jonathan EigDrawing on thousands of pages of recently discovered government documents, wiretap transcripts, and Al Capone's handwritten personal letters, New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Eig tells the dramatic story of the rise and fall...
Luckiest Man: The Life and Death of L...
Jonathan EigA baseball icon, as never before portrayed....Yes, Gehrig is depicted as a man who faced death without complaint, but he’s also outstandingly portrayed as a fallible man with faults and peccadilloes. Eig’s highly readable ...
Opening Day: The Story of Jackie Robi...
Jonathan EigApril 15, 1947, marked the most important opening day in baseball history. When Jackie Robinson stepped onto the diamond that afternoon at Ebbets Field, he became the first black man to break into major-league baseball in the twentiet...
Get Capone!: The Secret Plot That Cap...
Jonathan EigUsing newly discovered documents, bestselling author Jonathan Eig tells the real story of the high-stakes criminal investigation that brought Al Capone to justice.