Gulliver's Travels and A Modest Propo...
Jonathan SwiftThis new edition of Swift's satiric classic is based on the 1726 textthe edition textual scholars now consider the most authoritative. It is accompanied by detailed explanatory annotations.'Contexts' collects materials that infl...
In Jonathan Swift's bitter, witty, and utterly brilliant satire of the state of England in the early 18th century, his hero, Lemuel Gulliver (the epitome of the average man), becomes, as he travels, increasingly frustrated by the corr...
A Tale of a Tub (Dover Thrift Edition...
Jonathan SwiftPublished anonymously in 1704, this prose satire by the author of Gulliver's Travels presents a story of three brothers, each symbolizing a Christian sect, and an unrelated series of digressions. The "tale" portion centers on Peter, ...