Murder Among Neighbors: A Kate Austen...
Jonnie JacobsThis dazzling murder mystery from first-time writer Jonnie Jacobs centers on Kate Austen, an irresistible sleuth. When Kate's fabulously wealthy neighbor dies, Kate becomes deeply involved in a sea of steamy secrets that bring her fac...
Shadow Of Doubt (Kali O'Brien Mysteri...
Jonnie JacobsReturning to the hometown she abandoned after tragedy struck, Kali O'Brien refuses to believe that an old schoolmate is responsible for a recent murder and is shocked when the killer reveals a scandal that casts doubt on Kali. Reissue.
Schoolteacher, single mother, and detective extraordinaire, Kate Austen thinks her life cannot get much worse, until Julie Harmon, one of her students, is murdered, and as Kate unearths some startling secrets about Julie's past, she m...