A Vision of Light: A Margaret of Ashb...
Judith Merkle RileyThe bestselling novel that introduces Margaret of Ashbury and launches a trilogy featuring this irrepressible womanMargaret of Ashbury wants to write her life story. However, like most women in fourteenth-century England, she is illit...
In Pursuit of the Green Lion: A Marga...
Judith Merkle RileyIn 1356, Margaret of Ashbury marries the scholarly Gregory de Vilers, and when he is taken prisoner by the French and held for ransom, she and two friends--an herbalist and an alchemist--embark on a dangerous quest to rescue him, desp...
The Water Devil: A Margaret of Ashbur...
Judith Merkle RileyReturning to England after rescuing her husband, Gregory, from his French captors, Margaret turns to old friend Brother Malechi to help her save her young daughter from an unwanted marriage brokered by Gregory's meddling father, a sit...
"Absorbing and arresting." —New York Times "Fascinating and factual." —Los Angeles Times "Chilly, witty, and completely engrossing ... great, good fun." — Kirkus Reviews "An outstanding histori...