Judy Blume

1-6 of 6

In the Unlikely Event

Judy Blume

The new adult novel from the beloved and best-selling author Judy BlumeWhen a series of passenger airplanes crashed in Elizabeth, New Jersey within a three-month period in 1951–1952, Judy Blume was a teenager. "These events hav...

Unabridged CD
Published: Jun 2015


Judy Blume

Peter Hatcher's summer is not looking good. First of all, Peter's brother Fudge -- the five-year-old human hurricane -- has a plan: to marry Peter's sworn enemy, Sheila Tubman. Disgusting! Could anything be worse? Yes. Peter's parents...

Unabridged CD
Published: Aug 2007

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

Judy Blume

Living with his little brother, Fudge, makes Peter Hatcher feel like a fourth grade nothing. Whether Fudge is throwing a temper tantrum in a shoe store, smearing smashed potatoes on walls at Hamburger Heaven, or scribbling all over Pe...

Unabridged CD
Published: Apr 2005

Double Fudge

Judy Blume

Read by the authorapprox. 4 hours3 cassettesFudge is back and he's discovered money in a big way. He's making his own 'Fudge Bucks,' dressing as a miser for Halloween and thumbing through catalogs before bed, choosing birthday and Chr...

Unabridged CD
Published: May 2005

Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great

Judy Blume

Sheila Tubman sometimes wonders who she really is: the outgoing, witty, and capable Sheila the Great, or the secret Sheila, who's afraid of the dark, spiders, swimming, and dogs. When her family spends the summer in Tarrytown, Sheila ...

Unabridged CD
Published: Aug 2007

Tiger Eyes

Judy Blume

Davey has never felt so alone in her life. Her father is dead—shot in a holdup—and now her mother is moving the family to New Mexico to try to recover.Climbing in the Los Alamos canyon, Davey meets the mysterious Wolf, who can rea...

Unabridged CD
Published: Aug 2011
  • 1-6 of 6


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