Artemis: A Kydd Sea Adventure (Kydd S...
Julian StockwinIn this latest installment of the thrilling naval adventure series, Thomas Payne Kydd and sea-mate Nicholas Renzi are set to sail all the way to the fabled Far East aboard the 18th-century crack frigate Artemis. In this great age of...
Betrayal: A Kydd Sea Adventure
Julian StockwinCape Colony is proving a tiresome assignment for Thomas Kydd's daring commander-in-chief Commodore Popham: South America's Spanish colonies are in a ferment of popular unrest. Rumors of a treasure hoard of Spanish silver spur him to a...
Caribbee: A Kydd Sea Adventure (Kydd ...
Julian StockwinAs the captain of a useful frigate, Thomas Kydd is claimed by the Leeward Islands station, exchanging the harsh situation in South America for the warmth and delights of the Caribbean. It's a sea change for Kydd, who revisits the plac...
Conquest: A Kydd Sea Adventure
Julian StockwinPNewly victorious at the Battle of Trafalgar, England now rules the seas and is free to colonize the furthest reaches of the world. Captain Thomas Kydd joins an expedition to take Dutch-held Cape Town, a strategic harbor that will giv...
Invasion: A Kydd Sea Adventure (Kydd ...
Julian StockwinIn the 10th book of the popular series, rumors fly of Napoleon's planned invasion of England, and British naval commander Thomas Kydd is sent to liaise with American inventor Robert Fulton, who has created "infernal machines"...
Kydd: A Kydd Sea Adventure (Kydd Sea ...
Julian StockwinWhen Thomas Paine Kydd, a young wig-maker from Guildford, is seized and taken across the country to be part of the crew of the 98-gun line-of-battle ship Duke William, he must learn the harsh realities of shioard life quickly. Despite...
Mutiny: A Kydd Sea Adventure # 4
Julian StockwinThe fourth book in Stockwin's series recreates one of history's most notorious naval insurrections, as Kydd crosses the Mediterranean to a rendezvous with danger and returns to England-only to find himself caught up in the Nore Mutiny...
Seaflower: A Kydd Sea Adventure (Kydd...
Julian StockwinThe third installment in a rousing naval-adventure series, this historical saga follows the shipwrecked Thomas Kydd and the rest of the crew from the ill-fated HMS Artemis. Returning to England for the court-martial of the sole-survi...