The Life All Around Me By Ellen Foste...
Kaye GibbonsA sequel to Ellen Foster finds fifteen-year-old Ellen settling into a permanent home with a new mother, where she manages conflicted feelings through her ritual visits to the county fair, her poetry, and her growing relationship with ...
A Virtuous Woman (Oprah's Book Club)
Kaye GibbonsOprah Book Club® Selection, October 1997: Gibbons's novel, A Virtuous Woman, takes place in the same hardscrabble part of the world as Ellen Foster. The virtuous woman is Ruby Pitt Woodrow, a woman who might have ended up like Ell...
On the Occasion of My Last Afternoon
Kaye GibbonsIn the year 1900--on the afternoon she suspects might be the last in her long, eventful life--Emma Garnet Tate Lowell sets down on paper what came before, determined to make an honest account of it. She recalls her life on the plantat...
The Life All Around Me By Ellen Foste...
Kaye GibbonsThis sequel to Gibbons' beloved classic Ellen Foster, stands on its own as an unforgettable portrait of a redoubtable adolescent making herself up out of whole cloth. Now fifteen, Ellen is settled into a permanent home with a new moth...
Autumn 1918. Rumors of peace are spreading across America, but spreading even faster are the first cases of Spanish influenza, whispering of the epidemic to come. Maureen Ross, well past a safe childbearing age, is experiencing a diff...
A family without men, the Birches live gloriously offbeat lives in the lush, green backwoods of North Carolina. Radiant, headstrong Sophia and her shy, brilliant daughter, Margaret, possess powerful charms to ward off loneliness, desp...
In her novels Ellen Foster and A Virtuous Woman, Kaye Gibbons has compiled what one critic has called 'a fictional oral history of female wishes [and] hopes.' That tradition continues in A Cure for Dreams, a richly woven story that tr...
The acclaimed New York Times bestselling author of Ellen Foster,Kaye Gibbons paints intimate family portraits in lyrical prose, using as her palette the rich, vibrant colors of the American South. Sights Unseen shows the author at her...