When Henry Day is seven years old, he is kidnapped by ageless beings called changelings, who leave another child in Henry's place, a boy who will be his duplicate. Haunted by memories, both boys are driven to search for the keys to wh...
This literary fantasy marks the author's debut. In 1949, a band of hobgoblins living in the woods near a remote American farmhouse kidnap seven-year-old Henry Day and substitute one of their own, a changeling who himself was once huma...
Keith Donohue's first novel, The Stolen Child, was a national bestseller hailed as "captivating" (USA Today), "luminous and thrilling" (Washington Post), and "wonderful...So spare and unsentimental that it's i...
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Stolen Child comes a "classically hypnotic horror story" (Time Out New York) about a young boy trapped inside his own world, whose drawings blur the lines between fantasy and...