A Galway Epiphany (Jack Taylor Novels...
Ken BruenEx-cop-turned-PI Jack Taylor has finally escaped the despair of his violent life in Galway in favor of quiet retirement in the country with his friend Keefer, a former Rolling Stones roadie, and a falcon named Maeve. But on a day trip...
Jack Taylor has never quite been able to get his life together, but now he has truly hit rock bottom. Still reeling from a violent family tragedy, Taylor is busy drowning his grief in Jameson and uppers, as usual, when a high-profile ...
Jack Taylor has never quite been able to get his life together, but now he has truly hit rock bottom. Still reeling from a violent family tragedy, Taylor is busy drowning his grief in Jameson and uppers, as usual, when a high-profile ...
Ghosts of Galway, The (Jack Taylor)
Ken BruenAs well-versed in politics, pop culture, and crime fiction as he is ill-fated in life, Jack Taylor is recovering from a mistaken medical diagnosis and a failed suicide attempt. In need of money-and with former cop on his resume-Jack h...