In The City, an afterlife world inhabited by the recently departed as long as they remain in the memories of the living, Marion and Phillip Byrd find themselves falling in love again after decades of marriage, while on Earth, their da...
This richly imaginative novel is set on Earth and in the City, an Earth-like place where the recent dead live as long as they are remembered by those still alive. Among the residents of the City are Marion and Phillip Byrd, who are fa...
The View From the Seventh Layer
Kevin BrockmeierKevin Brockmeier--award -winning author of The Brief History of the Dead--has been widely praised for the richness of his imagination, the lyrical grace and playfulness of his language, and the empathic emotional complexity of his sto...
A little girl named Celia Brooks inexplicably disappears on an ordinary day in March. Four years later, her parents and neighbors gather for a memorial service. Told in a series of stories, this novel is narrated partly by a man with ...