Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That M...
Kevin SmithThe mysterious disappearance of an old friend brings Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat, to New York in search of answers, and a certain web-slinging ex-lover of hers is following the same trail. How long will it take before they do some......
My Boring-Ass Life: The Uncomfortably...
Kevin SmithNOW UPDATED WITH THE 'INS AND OUTS' OF MAKING ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO, AND A NEW AFTERWORD! Anything but boring, Kevin Smith shares his x-rated thoughts in his diary, telling all in his usual candid, heartfelt and irreverent way!Ke...
Best-selling comic book writer/director Kevin Smith (GREEN ARROW, Daredevil, Mallrats, Chasing Amy) steps into Gotham City to write this graphic novel featuring the mysterious masked killer known as Onomatopoeia who sets his sights - ...