In a tale spanning twenty-five years, a doctor delivers his newborn twins during a snowstorm and, rashly deciding to protect his wife from their baby daughter's affliction with Down Syndrome, turns her over to a nurse, who secretly ra...
In a tale spanning twenty-five years, a doctor delivers his newborn twins during a snowstorm and, rashly deciding to protect his wife from their baby daughter’s affliction with Down Syndrome, turns her over to a nurse, who secre...
From the author of the multimillion-copy bestseller The Memory Keeper's Daughter, an arresting novel of one family's secret history. Imbued with all the lyricism, compassion, and suspense of her bestselling novel The Memory Keeper'...
Secrets of a Fire King: Stories
Kim EdwardsThe first story collection from the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Memory Keeper's Daughter.
Unabridged, 12 CDs, 15 hours Read by TBA The highly anticipated new novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Memory Keeper's Daughter.