Gods at War: Defeating the Idols that...
Kyle Idlemanyour heart is a battlefield. In gods at war, Kyle Idleman, bestselling author of not a fan, helps every believer recognize there are false gods at war within each of us, and they battle for the place of glory and control in our lives....
Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Comm...
Kyle Idleman"Jesus never asked us to sit on the sidelines and cheer for his cause." — Craig Groeschel, senior pastor of LifeChurch.tv Are you a fan or a follower? The dictionary defines a fan as "an enthusiastic admirer." Fa...
One at a Time: The Unexpected Way God...
Kyle IdlemanHow does God want to use you to have an impact? Most of us don't want to spend our lives being time-wasters, space-takers, binge-watchers, or game-players. We want to be difference-makers. But how do we do it?By revealing the way Jesu...
A book for parents and family members of those who are far from God, Praying for Your Prodigal draws on insights from AHA to help readers pray—and hope—for their prodigal. In this hope-filled, honest book Kyle Idleman offers stor...