The third installment of the #1 internationally bestselling Joona Linna series, The Fire Witness sees Joona drawn into a gruesome, mysterious murder at a home for wayward girls.Detective Joona Linna is on leave dealing with personal...
The second book in the #1 internationally bestselling Joona Linna series, The Nightmare finds Joona teaming up with a national security agent to find the link between two mysterious, seemingly unrelated deaths.One summer night, police...
Stalker: A novel (Joona Linna)
Lars KeplerYOU THINK YOU ARE ALONE. THINK AGAIN. The police receive a video of a woman in her home. Hours later, they discover her mutilated body. Soon after, the killer sends another tape, taunting the police. He knows there's nothing they...
Ten little rabbits, all dressed in white\r\n Tried to get to heaven on the end of a kite.\r\n Kite string got broken, down they all fell,\r\n Instead of going to heaven, they all went to...It begins with a nursery rhyme. Nineteen minu...
The Sandman: A novel (Joona Linna)
Lars KeplerThe chilling story of an insidious serial killer and the two brilliant detectives who must try to beat him at his own game. An emaciated young man named Mikael is found wandering outside Stockholm. Thirteen years earlier, he and his y...