A fifty-year epic follows the lives of the residents of the Greek island Cephallonia, exploring their peaceful, remote experiences before the onset of the Second World War. Reissue. 150,000 first printing. (A Universal/Miramax film en...
As the world around it marches forward, the bucolic English village of Notwithstanding remains unchanged. It is, as it always has been, a place of pubs and cricket pitches, where local eccentrics—a retired colonel who has eschewed c...
The Troublesome Offspring of Cardinal...
Louis De BernieresFarce meets tragedy when the sadistic Cardinal Guzman launches a savage Inquisition and confronts Cochadebajo's population of ex-guerrillas, quasi-reformed prostitutes, and the corpulent ghost of Thomas Aquinas. Reprint. 25,000 first ...
The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Part...
Louis De BernieresWhen the arrogant Dona Constanza diverts a river to fill her swimming pool, a full-blown war erupts between local peasants, who need the water to irrigate their crops and are led by the dissolute Don Emmanuel, and brutal soldiers. Rep...
A fifty-year epic follows the lives of the residents of the Greek island Cephallonia, exploring their peaceful, remote experiences before the onset of the Second World War. (A Working Title Films presentation entitled Captain Corelli'...