The Laughing Policeman: A Martin Beck...
Maj SjowallIn this classic police procedural, the ever-dyspeptic Martin Beck has nothing to be amused about, even though it's Christmastime. Ã…ke Stenstrom, a young detective in Beck's squad, has just been killed in an unprecedented mass murd...
The Cop Killer: A Martin Beck Police ...
Maj SjowallIn the penultimate installment of this masterful crime-fiction series, Martin Beck, now head of the National Murder Squad, is called in to a sleepy part of the countryside to investigate a woman's disappearance. What Beck doesn't know...
The Terrorists: A Martin Beck Police ...
Maj SjowallFinished just a few weeks before Per Wahloo's death, The Terrorists is the last Martin Beck mystery, a marvelous summing up of the series. The series finale finds Beck attempting to save an American diplomat from the bloody hands of a...