Mark Helprin

1-3 of 3

A Soldier of the Great War

Mark Helprin

Available for the first time on audio, a beautiful, heart-rending tale of love, loss, and honor from the bestselling author of Winter's Tale! On his last long walk, septuagenarian war hero, deserter, and professor Alessandro Giuli...

Unabridged CD
Published: Oct 2007

In Sunlight and in Shadow

Mark Helprin

Mark Helprin's enchanting and sweeping novel asks a simple question: can love and honor conquer all? New York in 1947 glows with postwar energy. Harry Copeland, an elite paratrooper who fought behind enemy lines in Europe, returns ho...

Unabridged CD
Published: Oct 2012

Freddy and Fredericka

Mark Helprin

Helprin, the author of 'A Dove of the East and Other Stories,' offers an extraordinarily funny allegory of a most peculiar British royal family--a mocking of contemporary monarchy that is deeply sympathetic to the individuals caught i...

Unabridged CD
Published: Jul 2005
  • 1-3 of 3


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