A high-stakes tale set in Moscow follows the machinations of a group of reactionaries who harbor a nostalgic loyalty to the regime of Joseph Stalin and who plot to create a groundswell for a new dictatorship. By the author of Wolves E...
Senior Investigator Arkady Renko of Moscow returns for the fifth installment in the mystery series that debuted with the 1981 novel GORKY PARK. Billionaire Pasha Ivanov has apparently killed himself by jumping out a window. Not only d...
Tatiana: An Arkady Renko Novel
Martin Cruz SmithIn Tatiana, Martin Cruz Smith, "the master of the international thriller" (The New York Times) creates the most compelling heroine of his career and the most realistic, damning portrait of modern Russia in contemporary liter...
On the eve of the Pearl Harbor attacks, Harry Niles is an American living in Tokyo. Trying to get out of Japan is proving to be a bit of a task, however, and Harry must call upon all of his underworld connections--not to mention a few...
A beautiful, heart-wrenching novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Tatiana and Gorky Park, set against the dangers of Italy in World War II as a young couple must outrun the Nazis to protect their forbidden love.Venice, ...