The Journey Home: Extraordinary tales...
Mary Jo PutneySoldier, Warrior, Rebel . . . He makes you cry for his pain and cheer for his victories. He fills your daydreams and remains etched in your memory for all time. He's the wounded herothe most compelling figure in romantic fictio...
Carousel of Hearts (A Putney Classic ...
Mary Jo PutneyA Classic Sweet Regency Romance Love is in the air, but where is Cupid aiming his darts? Spirited and beautiful, Antonia Thornton is a baroness in her own right, and her companion and best friend is Judith Winslow, a quiet intel...
Reissued and repackaged for the very first time since 1988, Lady of Fortune is a classic story of one woman’s perseverance and strength in the face of insurmountable odds in the wake of the French Revolution. A countess turne...