Matthew Stover

1-3 of 3

Star Wars, Episode III - Revenge of t...

Matthew Stover

Follows Anakin Skywalker as he struggles with his duty as a Jedi Knight and his role as the secret husband of Senator Padmâe Amidala, and chronicles the creation of Darth Vader and the birth of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa.

Unabridged CD
Published: Apr 2005

Traitor (Star Wars: The New Jedi Orde...

Matthew Stover

After the capture of Coruscant by the ruthless Yuuzhan Vong, Jacen Solo finds himself in the care of Vergere, an enigmatic being and master of inscrutable arts, who holds the key to teaching the young Jedi powerful and dangerous new a...

Published: Jul 2002

Traitor (Star Wars: The New Jedi Orde...

Matthew Stover

From the depths of catastrophe, a glimmer of hopeAfter the capture of Coruscant, the mighty heart of the New Republic, a stunned galaxy fears that nothing can stop the Yuuzhan Vong. Still, that crushing defeat produces one small mirac...

Abridged CD
Published: Jul 2002
  • 1-3 of 3


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