Maud Hart Lovelace

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Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown (Harper Tr...

Maud Hart Lovelace

Betsy, Tacy, and Tib are twelve--old enough to do lots of things...even go downtown on their own. There they see their first horseless carriage, discover the joys of the public library, and see a real play at the Opera House. They eve...

Published: Jun 1979

The Betsy-Tacy Treasury: The First Fo...

Maud Hart Lovelace

The first four books in the beloved Betsy-Tacy series are ready to delight a new generation of readers—and to bring a grownup generation of readers back to the engrossing stories of their youth. Following the childhoods of Betsy Ray...

Published: Nov 2011

Heaven to Betsy/Betsy in Spite of Her...

Maud Hart Lovelace

Heaven to Betsy: Betsy Ray is loving every minute of freshman year at Deep Valley High—with new and old friends all around her . . . not to mention boys! But most intriguing of all is the one she and her best friend, Tacy, dub 'the...

Published: Sep 2009
  • 1-3 of 3


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