Forever Blue: The True Story of Walte...
Michael D'AntonioReviled in New York and beloved in Los Angeles, Walter O'Malley is the most controversial owner in the history of American sports. He changed baseball and Brooklyn forever when he moved the Dodgers to California. But while famous writ...
Forever Blue: The True Story of Walte...
Michael D'AntonioResented by some in New York and beloved in Los Angeles, O'Malley is one of the most controversial owners in the history of American sports. He remade major league baseball and altered the course of history in both Brooklyn and Los An...
Hershey: Milton S. Hershey's Extraord...
Michael D'AntonioA scholarly analysis of the life and achievements of the head of the chocolate factory empire describes his fatherless uringing by a strict Mennonite mother, his failures with two early candy companies, and his construction of the uto...
Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pu...
Michael D'AntonioIn the summer of 2015, as he vaulted to the lead among the many GOP candidates for president, Donald Trump was the only one dogged by questions about his true intentions. This most famous American businessman had played the role of pr...