The beloved bestselling author of Crazy Ladies returns with a funny and poignant tale that explores the complex bonds between a daughter and her father. Reeling from the loss of her mother, plagued with a bad case of writer's block...
Rebecca Wells's Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood is rivaled by a fictional sibling: Michael Lee West's Crazy Ladies. West's tale of wild women down South is faster and snappier than Wells's thick bayou prose gumbo, but it has so...
She Flew the Coop Concerning Life, De...
Michael Lee WestThe two main occupations in Limoges, Louisiana (population: 905), seem to be spreading juicy gossip and consoling the unfortunate with casseroles. And in this early spring of 1952, there is ample opportunity for both—with sixtee...
"Gone with a Handsomer Man is fun, funny, and fabulous!"---Janet Evanovich Take one out-of-work pastry chef . . . Teeny Templeton believes that her life is finally on track. She's getting married, she's baking her own wedd...
In the hilarious debut mystery from bestselling author Michael Lee West, Teeny Templeton thinks her life is finally on track---until her fiance is found dead, and all fingers point to her.