Shadow Hunter (Star Wars: Darth Maul)...
Michael ReavesAfter years of waiting in the shadows, Darth Sidious is taking the first step in his master plan to bring the Republic to its knees, as he meets secretly with his Neimoidian contacts in the Trade Federation to plan the blockade of the...
Medstar I: Battle Surgeons (Star Wars...
Michael ReavesThe members of a small medical unit serving on the jungle world of Drongar, a beleaguered planet torn apart by brutal warfare over control of a priceless native plant, confront their individual challenges as they struggle to save live...
MedStar II: Jedi Healer (Star Wars: C...
Michael ReavesAn embattled medical unit in the steamy Jasserak jungle is confronted by overwhelming odds as the Separatists' unstoppable battle droids wreak havoc on the forces of the Republic and the members of the team take a shocking and unpreci...