The most anticipated sequel...has readers drooling from the mouth! In Dirty DivorcePart 1...the Sanchez family ended with a bang. Lisa, Rich,and Denie all fought treacherously to escape a harsh death sentence. Only time will tell who ...
The Dirty Divorce Part 3 (Dirty Divor...
Miss KpIn Dirty Divorce Part 1 and 2 readers were at the edge of their seats, addicted to the Sanchez family drama. The Dirty Divorce Part 3 begins with Rich instantly being a mark with a death sentence placed on his head. He s faced with hi...
Drugs turn out to be a way of life for Rich, a powerful, sexy Drug Lord hailing from Washington, D.C. His desire for fast money and the extravagant things that it brings puts his family in harms way. Soon, his ego forces him to leave ...