In her eerie and hair-raising thriller Skin, Mo Hayder trails her two unforgettable protagonists as they race to staunch a rising tide of blood in a sweltering port town. When the decomposing body of a young woman is found, the wounds...
DIVB[Hayder] has in no way lost her ability to shock, thrill, entertain and occasionally torture us with her use of words. . . . A chiller to the very end. Hayder deals with Britain at its grittiest.” Peter Millar, IThe Times/I ...
"Poppet . . . oozes sinisterness from the first page. . . . [Its] high-wire tension . . . never wavers."-Tina Jordan, Entertainment WeeklyMo Hayder has for years been a master of chilling, seamlessly plotted thrillers that k...
"Hayder . . . outdoes herself, flip-flopping the supernatural and the explainable like a cycle of poison and antidote that will remain with the reader long after the final page."-IBooklist (starred review)/BBRBRJust after lu...
"[A] destined-to-be classic . . . Hayder's work and characters are worth the unending nightmares they will inspire."-The New York Times Book ReviewEdgar Award winner and international best-seller Mo Hayder is known for her n...