Muriel Spark

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The Driver's Seat

Muriel Spark

The Driver's Seat, Spark's own favorite among her many novels, was hailed by the New Yorker as "her spiny and treacherous masterpiece." Driven mad by an office job, Lise flies south on holiday — in search of passionate adv...

Published: Apr 2014

The Girls of Slender Means

Muriel Spark

Long ago in 1945 all the nice people in England were poor, allowing for exceptions,' begins The Girls of Slender Means Dame Muriel Spark's tragic and rapier-witted portrait of a London ladies' hostel just emerging from the shadow of W...

Published: Apr 1998

The Mandelbaum Gate: A Novel

Muriel Spark

For Barbara Vaughn, a checkpoint between Jordan and the newly formed Israel is the threshold to painful self-discovery Barbara Vaughn is a scholarly woman whose fascination with religion stems partly from a conversion to Catholicism,...

Published: Oct 2018
  • 1-3 of 3


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