With The Whole Truth, Nancy Pickard taps neatly into our national fascination with true crime in a daring novel that seems structurally and philosophically at odds with the conventional mystery story. We know, apparently, 'who did it'...
In this mysterious tale the fortunes of Port Frederick, Massachusettts, are riding on the upcoming Autumn Festival, sponsored by the Judy Foundation, founder and director, Jenny Cain. As if running the fair wasn't enough, Jenny's life...
Confession (Jenny Cain Mystery)
Nancy PickardPickford's two strong suits are a richly textured style and a vivid cast of characters that includes, in this case, a family of religious zealots more believably scary than most fictional villians. Tough, smart (but not omniscient), a...
Seventeen years after the discovery of a female murder victim near Small Plains, Kansas, the girl's grave has become the source of strange miracles and legends, until the return of prodigal son Mitch Newquist threatens to bring old se...
The Secret Ingredient Murders: A Euge...
Nancy PickardTaking over this series from the late author Virginia Rich, Nancy Pickard serves up a tasty Eugenia Potter mystery. In Devon, Rhode Island, Genia investigates the murder of a local man, Stanley Parker. She is striving to clear the nam...
The Scent of Rain and Lightning
Nancy PickardOne beautiful summer afternoon, from her bedroom window on the second floor, Jody Linder is unnerved to see her three uncles parking their pickups in front of her parents' house—or what she calls her parents' house, even though Jay ...