Naomi Novik's triumphant debut, His Majesty's Dragon, introduced a dynamic new pair of heroes to the annals of fantasy fiction: the noble fighting dragon Temeraire and his master and commander, Capt. Will Laurence. Now in the latest n...
Naomi Novik's beloved Temeraire series, a brilliant combination of fantasy and history that reimagines the Napoleonic wars as fought with the aid of intelligent dragons, is a twenty-first-century classic. From the first volume, His Ma...
Patrick O'Brian meets Anne McCaffrey in this rollicking debut fantasy, the first of a series set in an alternate world where the Napoleonic wars are fought with dragons. After Captain Will Laurence captures a French ship bearing a dra...
New York Times bestselling author Naomi Novik presents the sixth volume in her wildly popular Temeraire series, which finds Captain Will Laurence and his dragon friend Temeraire exiled to Australia.