Whiskey Straight Up: A Whiskey Mattim...
Nina WrightThirty-something realtor Whiskey Mattimoe and her purse-stealing Afghan hound are drawn into the lives of the eccentric characters of the resort town of Magnet Springs, Michigan, after nearly drowning in an icy lake, finding the body ...
Whiskey with a Twist: A Whiskey Matti...
Nina WrightWhiskey Mattimoe never thought the skill set of her Afghan Hound Abra—stealing purses and farting—might interest a professional dog breeder. But that's exactly what's attracted Susan Davies, who wants Abra to participate in a cani...
Whiskey and Tonic: A Whiskey Mattimoe...
Nina WrightEverybody in Magnet Springs is in on the not-so-secret curse of the Miss Blossom pageant. Everybody, that is, except Whiskey Mattimoe–full-time real estate agent, parttime sleuth, and long-suffering owner of Abra, her willful a...