Hostage in Havana (Cuban Trilogy, The...
Noel HyndFrom bestselling author Noel Hynd comes this new series, The Cuban Trilogy, bursting with intrigue and set against the backdrop of Havana, an explosive capital city of faded charm, locked in the past and torn by political intrigue. ...
Alex LaDuca travels to Miami to continue her investigations into the murder-and-money laundering activities of the Dosi cartel, an intrigue set in motion in Hostage in Havana. Sent there by the U.S. Treasury Department to speak with a...
Payback in Panama (Cuban Trilogy, The...
Noel HyndIn the final book in Noel Hynd's Cuban Trilogy, U.S. Treasury Agent Alex LaDuca enters the endgame of her long-running and treacherous duel with the heads of the Dosi Cartel, an international money laundering and drug smuggling ring. ...