American Heroes: In the Fight Against...
Oliver North"Real heroes are selfless. Those who serve America in harm's way in the war against radical Islam have that quality in abundance. And so do their families and loved ones at home. Yet, they rarely get the attention or coverage the...
American Heroes: In the Fight Against...
Oliver NorthWhat is a Hero? New York Times best-selling author Oliver North says, "Real heroes are selfless. Those who serve America in harm's way in the war against radical Islam have that quality in abundance. And so do their families and ...
In this sequel to MISSION COMPROMISED, Lt. Col. Peter Newman is stationed in the Middle East and faces a difficult choice when his wife is kidnapped--should he try to rescue her, or try to complete his mission? And it may not matter i...
American Heroes: On the Homefront
Oliver NorthCombat-decorated Marine Oliver North delivers a riveting firsthand account of the extraordinary young American volunteers—the best and bravest of their generation—who stepped forward to defend us from radical Islamic terror. For m...
The explosive new thriller from Oliver North, who stormed bestseller lists nationwide with his disarmingly authentic military novel Heroes Proved, is a gripping, non-stop tale that could only be written by someone who has "been t...