Writ of Execution (Nina Reilly Series...
Perri O'ShaughnessyMasterful storytelling. . .gripping legal drama . . .relentless suspense - these are the hallmarks of Perri O'Shaughnessy's work. Critics hail her legal thrillers as "terrific . . . will keep you turning the pages into the night...
Writ of Execution (Nina Reilly Series...
Perri O'ShaughnessyMasterful storytelling. . .gripping legal drama . . .relentless suspense - these are the hallmarks of Perri O'Shaughnessy's work. Critics hail her legal thrillers as "terrific . . . will keep you turning the pages into the night...
Writ of Execution (Nina Reilly)
Perri O'ShaughnessyMasterful storytelling. . .gripping legal drama . . .relentless suspense - these are the hallmarks of Perri O'Shaughnessy's work. Critics hail her legal thrillers as "terrific . . . will keep you turning the pages into the night...