A Rainbow of Blood: The Union in Peri...
Peter G. TsourasThe second volume in Britannia's Fist, a remarkable trilogy of alternative history.A Rainbow of Blood continues the epic, exciting story that began in Peter G. Tsouras's previous alternate history, Britannia's Fist. The Great War acce...
Britannia's Fist: From Civil War to W...
Peter G. TsourasThe first volume in an extraordinary trilogy of alternative history.In this, the first volume of renowned author and historian Peter G. Tsouras's alternative history trilogy, Great Britain's support for the Confederacy takes it to the...
Dixie Victorious: An Alternate Histor...
Peter G. TsourasThis fascinating "what if" book will have you pondering how easily history could have been swayed differently.Ever wondered what would have happened if the Confederates had won the Civil War? This book not only says that it ...