The Vault (Inspector Peter Diamond In...
Peter LoveseyA skeletal hand is unearthed in the vault under the Pump Room in Bath, England, near the site where Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein. Then a skull is excavated. The bones came from different corpses, and one is modern. Detective Superi...
Upon a Dark Night (Inspector Peter Di...
Peter LoveseyA young woman is dumped, injured, and unconscious, in a private hospital's parking lot. She is an amnesiac with no memory prior to her discovery by hospital personnel. Detective Inspector Peter Diamond of the Bath homicide squad is un...
Stagestruck: A Peter Diamond Investig...
Peter LoveseyA pop star's face is burned by suspicious stage makeup during her stint at a Bath playhouse. The main suspect, the makeup artist, is found dead, and Diamond must conquer his own mysterious but deep-seated phobia to solve the crime.