The bizarre suicide of a woman and the disappearance of her teenage son, Mark, draws the boy's uncle, Timothy Underhill, back to his hometown of Millhaven, where his investigation uncovers a neighborhood haunted by the presence of a s...
A Special Place: The Heart of a Dark ...
Peter StraubFrom the bestselling author of Ghost Story, Shadowland, and The Talisman, a novella-length rumination on the nature of evil.A Special Place, Peter Straub's first published novella, will come to stand as one of the author's most deepl...
The incomparable master of horror and suspense returns with a powerful, brilliantly terrifying novel that redefines the genre in original and unexpected ways.The charismatic and cunning Spenser Mallon is a campus guru in the 1960s, at...
In The Throat, Peter Straub's Blue Rose trilogy blooms into a horrifically chilling, maniacally suspenseful masterwork of terror.