R. C. Sproul

1-3 of 3

The Holiness of God

R. C. Sproul

What is the holiness of God? Are you intrigued by it, or are you terrified? R.C. Sproul clearly identifies this attribute of God and all the associations one may make with it. This absolutely will inform and radically cause a re-think...

Unabridged CD
Published: Aug 2006

Knowing Scripture

R. C. Sproul

The Bible is the written Word of God, and it is treasured by many. But it is also an ancient book about people and cultures very different than us. Thus, while we know we should read it, many of us have a hard time understanding the B...

Unabridged CD
Published: Mar 2009

What Is Reformed Theology?: Understan...

R. C. Sproul

Few evangelical Christians today understand Reformed theology, even though it has become an immensely influential theological tradition. Recognizing only key terms relating to predestination or the five points, many Christians want a ...

Unabridged CD
Published: Oct 2009
  • 1-3 of 3


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