Nightblind: A Thriller (The Dark Icel...
Ragnar JonassonChilling and complex, Nightblind is an extraordinary thriller from Ragnar Jonasson, an undeniable new talent.Ari Thor Arason is a local policeman who has an uneasy relationship with the villagers in an idyllically quiet fishing villag...
Blackout: An Ari Thor Thriller (The D...
Ragnar JonassonA huge bestseller in England, France, and Australia, the third book in the Dark Iceland series from a spectacular new crime writer."Easily the best yet. Beautifully written and elegantly paced with a plot that only gradually beco...
"A bullet train of a novel, at once blazingly contemporary and Agatha-Christie old-fashioned.... I dare you not to be shocked." ―Gregg Hurwitz, New York Times bestselling author The body of a young Russian woman washes up ...
Rupture: An Ari Thor Thriller (The Da...
Ragnar JonassonA huge bestseller in England, France, and Australia, the fourth book in the Ari Thor thriller series from a spectacular new crime writer. Hailed for combining the darkness of Nordic Noir with classic mystery writing, author Ragnar Jon...
The Island: A Thriller (The Hulda Ser...
Ragnar JonassonThe newest superstar on the Icelandic crime fiction scene has arrived with a superb followup to The Darkness. Shortlisted for the Crime Novel of the Year Award in Iceland Third Place, Novel of the Year Award 2016 in Iceland, select...
The Mist: A Thriller (The Hulda Serie...
Ragnar JonassonThe final nail-biting installment in Ragnar Jonasson's critically-acclaimed Hidden Iceland series, The Mist, from the newest superstar on the Icelandic crime fiction scene.1987. An isolated farm house in the east of Iceland.The snows...
Winterkill (Dark Iceland series)
Ragnar JonassonTHE STUNNING FINAL INSTALMENT OF THE MULTI-MILLION-COPY BESTSELLING DARK ICELAND SERIES **Sunday Times BOOK OF THE MONTH** ‘Jónasson is an automatic must-read for me … possibly the best Scandi writer working today&...
When the body of a young woman is found dead beneath the cliffs of the deserted Icelandic village of Kálfshamarvík, Ari Thór Arason uncovers a startling and terrifying connection to an earlier series of deaths, as the killer remain...
Where: A quiet fishing village in northern Iceland, where no one locks their doors. It is accessible only via a small mountain tunnel.Who: Ari Thor is a rookie policeman on his first posting, far from his girlfriend in Reykjavik. He h...