Ray Bradbury, the undisputed Dean of American storytelling, dips his accomplished pen into the cryptic inkwell of noir and creates a stylish and slightly fantastical tale of mayhem and murder set among the shadows and the murky canals...
On a Halloween night, eight boys are led on an incredible journey into the past by the mysterious ''spirit'' Moundshroud. Riding a dark autumn wind from ancient Egypt to the land of the Celtic druids, from Mexico to a cathedral in Par...
Bradbury 13 is a collection of 13 radio dramas masterfully adapted from classic short stories by veteran science-fiction author Ray Bradbury. Bradbury's stories refract our own fears and foibles through otherworldly prisms. Each drama...
An endearing classic of childhood fancies and memories of an idyllic Midwestern summer from America's most beloved storyteller.
A Pleasure to Burn: Fahrenheit 451 St...
Ray BradburyA Pleasure to Burn -- a collection of sixteen selected shorter works that prefigure the grand master's landmark novel Fahrenheit 451 -- is an indispensable companion to the most powerful work of America's preeminent storyteller, a won...
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Ray Bradbury"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes."The carnival rolls in sometime after the midnight hour of a chill Midwestern October eve. Ushering in Halloween a week before its time, a calliope's shrill sire...
Ray Bradbury , one of the most talented and visionary authors of this century, celebrates life and dreams with these thirty-two stories, which were originally published in two separate collections.