The Altreian Enigma (Rho Agenda Assim...
Richard PhillipsWhen Mark and Heather Smythe saved Earth from the conquest-hungry Kasari Collective, they thought their work was done. But the world’s vast new government continued its quest to make extraterrestrial contact. And now, as a new gatew...
The Meridian Ascent (Rho Agenda Assim...
Richard PhillipsIn their battle to save Earth from becoming another conquest of the alien Kasari Collective, Mark and Heather Smythe have struck crucial blows against the enemy. But their best efforts have still failed to derail the completion of the...
The Second Ship (The Rho Agenda)
Richard PhillipsIn 1948, an alien starship crash-landed in the New Mexico desert and brought with it the key to mankind's future. Code-named the Rho Project, the landing was shrouded in secrecy, and only the highest-ranking US government and military...