Atkins for Life: The Complete Control...
Robert C. AtkinsThis next installment of nutrition guru Robert Atkins' books shows the reader how to incorporate more diverse foods into the structure of his recommended diet, which prescribes a high intake of fats, particularly from animal proteins,...
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution
Robert C. AtkinsI'd like to ask you to try the diet for 14 days. That will be enough time for you to not only lose a surprising amount of weight, but to find out how wonderful you'll feel on a low-carbohydrate meal plan and how refreshing it is to lo...
Atkins Diabetes Revolution: The Groun...
Robert C. AtkinsAtkins Diabetes Revolution will help you:Find out if you have the metabolic syndromeIdentify your risk for diabetes as soon as possibleMake permanent lifestyle changes to normalize the underlying metabolic imbalances that lead to Type...