This psychological thriller is narrated by Robin Timariot, a civil servant wondering if he should quit and join his family's cricket-bat manufacturing business instead. As he hikes along the Welsh borders in the summer of 1990, he enc...
Struggling actor Toby Flood, formerly of big and small screen but now seldom seen on either, arrives in Brighton on the first Sunday in December with the other cast members and reluctantly takes on a investigation into the sinister st...
Stephen Swan is amazed when he hears that the uncle he thought had been killed in the Blitz is actually alive. For nearly four decades, Eldritch Swan has been locked away in an Irish prison and now, at last, has been released. Shocke...
Six months after her husband's sudden death, Leonora Galloway sets off for a holiday in Paris with her daughter Penelope. At last the time has come when secrets can be shared and explanations begin...Their journey starts with an un...
In the spellbinding new mystery by the master of “the clever twist,” a group of ex-RAF comrades journey to a Scottish castle for a reunion. But by the time they reach their destination, two of them are dead.Harry Barnett i...
The Ways of the World: A James Maxted...
Robert GoddardFrom the Edgar Award-winning, internationally bestselling British writer Robert Goddard comes a captivating new trilogy of historical thrillers, set at the tail end of World War I and featuring the devilishly charismatic James Max Max...
There's no such thing as easy money, as surgeon Edward Hammond is about to find out. Thirteen years ago, he performed a life-saving operation on a Serbian gangster, Dragan Gazi. Gazi is now standing trial for war crimes in the interna...
Days Without Number, now published for the first time in the United States, is classic Robert Goddard: intricately plotted, richly detailed, and suspenseful to the very last page. Nick Paleologus, a coolly efficient Englishman, is sum...
The Ends of the Earth: A James Maxted...
Robert GoddardThe Treaty of Versailles has finally been signed, officially ending the World War I peace negotiations, and the action shifts east, to Tokyo, where a team assembled at Max's behest anxiously awaits his arrival on the docks. Max had ar...