Hailed by the Washington Post Book World as "a modern classic," Robertson Davies's acclaimed Deptford Trilogy is a glittering, fantastical, cunningly contrived series of novels, around which a mysterious death is woven. Worl...
Ramsay is a man twice born, a man who has returned from the hell of the battle-grave at Passchendaele in World War I decorated with the Victoria Cross, and destined to be caught in a non-man's-land where memory, history and myth colli...
Ramsay is a man twice born, a man who has returned from the hell of the battle-grave at Passchendaele in World War I decorated with the Victoria Cross, and destined to be caught in a non-man's-land where memory, history and myth colli...
Leaven of Malice: The Salterton Trilo...
Robertson DaviesThe following announcement appeared in the Salterton Evening Bellman: ''Professor and Mrs. Walter Vambrace are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Pearl Veronica, to Solomon Bridgetower Esq, son of...'' Although the...
The Rebel Angels: The Cornish Trilogy...
Robertson DaviesA goodhearted priest and scholar, a professor with a passion for the darker side of medieval psychology, a defrocked monk, and a rich young businessman who inherits some troublesome paintings are all helplessly beguiled by the same co...
What¦s Bred in the Bone: The Cornish...
Robertson DaviesWhat's Bred in the Bone is the second novel in the Canadian writer Robertson Davies' ''Cornish Trilogy''. It is the life story of Francis (or Frank) Cornish, whose death and will were the starting point for the first novel, The Rebel ...
A humorous portrait of middle-aged despair, by the celebrated Canadian novelist. It concerns the confusion into which David Staunton, a successful middle-aged writer, is thrown as a result of his father's sudden death under mysteriou...
World of Wonders (Deptford Trilogy)
Robertson DaviesHailed by the Washington Post Book World as "a modern classic," Robertson Davies's acclaimed Deptford Trilogy is a glittering, fantastical, cunningly contrived series of novels, around which a mysterious death is woven. Worl...