In the wake of factory closings and his beloved wife's death, Lev makes his way from Eastern Europe to London, seeking work to support his mother and his little daughter. After a spell of homelessness, he finds a job in the kitchen of...
The Booker shortlisted novel that "restored the historical novel to its rightful place of honor" (New York Times).Robert Merivel, son of a glove maker and an aspiring physician, finds his fortunes transformed when he is give...
Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize; one of the Wall Street Journal's best books by women in 2010. "Complex, suspenseful, and almost hypnotically readable."—Margot Livesey, Boston Sunday GlobeIn a silent valley in souther...
Get ready to laugh, prepare to weep—Robert Merivel is back in Rose Tremain's magical sequel to Restoration. The gaudy years of the Restoration are long gone. Robert Merivel, physician and courtier to Charles II, loved for his gift f...
Restoration (Contemporary Fiction)
Rose TremainThe award-winning Restoration is one of Rose Tremains most popular works, and showcases her remarkable talent for capturing historical settings and personalities. Set during the English Restoration in the decadent court of King Charle...