A triumph of the imagination and a masterpiece of modern storytelling, Cloudsplitter is narrated by the enigmatic Owen Brown, last surviving son of America's most famous and still controversial political terrorist and martyr, John Bro...
Russell Banks's life of Hannah Musgrave, a fictional Weather Underground member takes her, ultimately, to Africa, where she marries a Liberian official, gives birth to three sons, and works with chimpanzees. After a series of tumultuo...
Part love story, part murder mystery, set on the cusp of the Second World War, Russell Banks's sharp-witted and deeply engaging new novel raises dangerous questions about class, politics, art, love, and madness—and explores what ha...
Slipping into the dangerous world of drugs and petty theft as a means of rebelling against an abusive home life, a teenaged Chappie takes on a new identity and encounters a host of unusual characters, including a sexually victimized y...
A powerful literary classic from one of contemporary fiction's most acclaimed and important writers, Russell Banks's Continental Drift is a masterful novel of hope lost and gained, and a gripping, indelible story of fragile lives upr...
A brilliant and powerful novel from the critically acclaimed author of Continental Drift that explores a small town's response to the inexplicable loss of its children in a school bus accident. 'A novel of compelling moral suspense. ....
"Like our living literary giants Toni Morrison and Thomas Pynchon, Russell Banks is a great writer wrestling with the hidden secrets and explosive realities of this country."—Cornel West"Of the many writers working in...
The Angel on the Roof: The Stories of...
Russell BanksOffers award-winning short fiction from an acclaimed novelist that resonates with irony and compassion, honesty and insight, extending into the vast territory of the heart and world, from working class New England to Florida, the Carr...
Hamilton Stark is a New Hampshire pipe fitter and the sole inhabitant of the house from which he evicted his own mother. He is the villain of five marriages and the father of a daughter so obsessed that she has been writing a book abo...
Russell Banks's life of Hannah Musgrave, a fictional Weather Underground member takes her, ultimately, to Africa, where she marries a Liberian official, gives birth to three sons, and works with chimpanzees. After a series of tumultuo...
Part love story, part murder mystery, set on the cusp of the Second World War, Russell Banks' sharp-witted and deeply engaging new novel raises dangerous questions about class, politics, art, love, and madness-and explores what happe...