Adopted for Life: The Priority of Ado...
Russell D. MooreThe doctrine of adoption—God's decision to adopt sinful men and women into his family—stands at the heart of Christianity. In light of this, Christians' efforts to adopt beautifully illustrate the truth of the gospel. In this popu...
Adoption: What Joseph of Nazareth Can...
Russell D. MooreJoseph of Nazareth was a good and honorable man. The adoptive father of Jesus, he stood by his wife and raised her son—even when it appeared that she had betrayed him. Such is the love of adoption. But this love stands in stark cont...
Plough Quarterly No. 1: Living the Se...
Russell D. MooreHow close do we dare to get to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount? It's widely considered the key to understanding who Jesus was and what mission he strove to fulfill. For two millennia, countless people have wrestled to apply it, from August...