Sarah Dunant

1-5 of 5

The Birth of Venus

Sarah Dunant

In 15th-century Florence, a young woman named Alessandra welcomes an arranged marriage to a cultured man over 30 years her senior because he promises her the freedom to pursue her painting. But the deal is not quite what she imagined....

Published: Nov 2004

In the Company of the Courtesan

Sarah Dunant

The rich tapestry of Renaissance-era Venice serves as the backdrop for this historical novel by the author of THE BIRTH OF VENUS. After the rapacious army of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V invades Rome in 1527, the courtesan Fiammetta B...

Published: Feb 2007

Fatlands: A Hannah Wolfe Crime Novel ...

Sarah Dunant

Chaperoning a rebellious teenager around London as part of what seems to be a boring but well-paying job, Hannah is unaware of the death threats her charge's research scientist father has been receiving, until violence erupts among an...

Published: Jul 2004


Sarah Dunant

Elizabeth is a modern woman. Smart. Independent. As sexual as she wants to be–with whomever she wants to be. But a breakup with her academic boyfriend has hit her harder than she cares to admit. And while her latest gig, transla...

Published: Jun 2005

Mapping the Edge

Sarah Dunant

Anna Franklin, a journalist, goes off on vacation. When she doesn't return, the people who love her wait, trying to imagine a solution to the mystery of her disappearance. As they devise their tortured hypotheses, the reader learns mo...

Published: Feb 2002
  • 1-5 of 5


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