Nearing her one-hundredth birthday, Roseanne McNulty faces an uncertain future, as the Roscommon Regional Mental hospital where she's spent the best part of her adult life prepares for closure. Over the weeks leading up to this upheav...
Leaving behind his family in Dublin in order to join the Allied forces during World War I, eighteen-year-old Willie Dunne survives the horrors of war through his correspondences with loved ones and his friendships with fellow soldiers...
COSTA BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD WINNERLONGLISTED FOR THE 2017 MAN BOOKER PRIZE"A true leftfield wonder: Days Without End is a violent, superbly lyrical western offering a sweeping vision of America in the making."—Kazuo Ish...
Roseanne McNulty, once one of the most beautiful and beguiling girls in County Sligo, Ireland, is now an elderly patient at Roscommon Regional Mental Hospital. As her hundredth year draws near, she decides to record the events of her ...
A stunning new novel from the two-time Man Booker shortlisted author of The Secret Scripture In this highly anticipated new novel, Irishman Jack McNulty is a "temporary gentleman"—an Irishman whose commission in the Briti...
Told in the first person, as a narrative of her life over seventeen days, On Canaan's Side is the heartbreaking story of a woman whose capability to love is enormous and whose compassion, even for those who have wronged her, is astoni...